Year 2 staff
Class 2M
Teacher: Mrs McDonough
Teaching assistant: Mrs Blakeman, Miss Dearden and Miss Davies
Class 2HP
Teacher: Miss Halliwell-Parker
Teaching assistants: Mrs Simmons
Staff photos
Left to right: 2HP Miss Halliwell-Parker and Mrs Sutton; Mrs Harrison.
2M: Mrs Blakeman, Mrs McDonough and Miss Dearden
Please check our class Twitter pages for regular updates and photographs about what we have been doing in class!
Please use your child’s planner as a means of communication between home and school. We are interested in hearing about any achievements that your child has had, whether this be with their reading or out of school hobby! We want to be able to celebrate every success both in and out of school. If you want to discuss something with us face to face, please do not hesitate to arrange a time to see us.
PE day
Our PE day is Tuesday. The children come to school in their PE kit when it is their PE day.
Summer 2024 curriculum letter
Our Topics
This year our topics include:
The Great Fire of London (as part of this topic we will focus on key historical skills, design and make flavoured bread rolls and use mixed media to create some amazing art work! In English, we will be writing descriptive diary entries related to the events of 1666 and instructions.)
Study of an area of a non-European country (After looking at hot and cold areas of the world, we will compare Euxton to a small village in India. The children will use different geographical sources to understand similarities and differences between ways of life.)
Significant Individuals (We will be looking at the lives of significant individuals from the past. We will explore the term 'significant' and then look at the work of Florence Nightingale and Nellie Spindler.)
Homes in the past (In this topic we will carry out a local study. We will be looking different homes and how Buckshaw Village has changed over time using maps. We will also have a visit to Astley Hall!)
Science units throughout this year include:
Uses of everyday materials
Living things and their habitats
Animals, including humans
When covering these topics, we will be focusing on developing key scientific skills and giving the children lots of opportunities to explore and investigate!
Learning links
Mathletics - (log in details in planner)
TT Rock Stars -
Maths dictionary -
Cross Curricular
Purple Mash - (same log in as mathletics)
Twinkl -
Top Marks (inc Hit the Button) -
BBC Bitesize -
Letter Join -
Brain Exercise - Go Noodle -
Phonics Play -
Phonics Bloom -
Oxford Owl
Teach your monster to read -
Online Safety
Keeping children safe online -