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Balshaw Lane Primary School

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Teaching School

We are very proud to be part of Yarrow Teaching School Alliance (YTSA) which trains prospective teachers in local schools.

The staff and governors believe that the best way to 'home-grow' teaching talent is by enabling new teachers to learn from high quality practitioners in schools.


At Balshaw Lane, we have trained several new teachers on the YTSA course over the past few years.

Mrs Horne and Mr Browne both joined us via this training route and have been welcome additions to our team.


As a member school of YTSA, our staff receive high quality CPD across a range of subjects and skills.


YTSA is based at St. George's Primary School in Chorley: contact Rob Horne on 01257 262323.

Open events are often held where interested candidates can find out more about the course and its successes.
