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Have a look on the Video Resource Centre page for recordings of some of the fabulous music activities we have been doing. You will find it on the drop down menu of the 'Children' tab.

Be the Change - National Sing Up Day March 2018

Still image for this video
Joining 55,000 children in countries all over the world singing 'Be the Change'. Unfortunately the whole film is too big to post, so here's a little taster.

Monday 11th July

Jack played his guitar for us in assembly today, entertaining us with the James Bond theme. Thank you Jack and well done.

Monday 4th July

Continuing our showcase of talented musicians Grace wowed us all in assembly this morning on her electric guitar. I can't believe you've only been playing for a few months Grace! Well done.


Monday 4th April

Well done to Robyn who revealed her inner Rock Star with her awesome drumming to 'When September Ends' by Green Day in assembly this morning. I think she enjoyed her first gig, judging by the huge smile she had on her face all the way through. frown

Monday 14th March

 Eleanor played her guitar beautifully in assembly today, well done. What a lovely way to start the week! smiley  

Friday 22nd January 2016

Well, we've certainly got talent at Balshaw Lane! Seb did a fantastic job this morning in assembly, playing Fur Elise on the piano. smiley

Friday 15th January 2016

Well done to Mitchell who entertained us in assembly this morning, playing the theme from Skyfall on the piano. smiley


Balshaw Lane is a very musical school, ably led by the wonderful Mrs. Bowden.


During curriculum week classes 4 to the 8's have been learning some WW1 songs, this video shows how fantastic the singing is!


WW1 songs

Still image for this video