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Connected Curriculum

“We love the connected curriculum.  My child gets excited about topics that are covered across several topics such as History, English and Art.”

“My son loves the project-based work and focusing on one area, which is then referenced in other subjects.”

“I love the broad range of subjects and the way the curriculum is connected across subject areas.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.

Connectors overview


We use a nationally commissioned scheme to help us teach maths - Maths No Problem! This a mastery approach to maths. More information for parents can be found by following this link

Maths in EYFS

Maths Curriculum Intent



In English, we base our curriculum on the recommended genres by Lancashire and ensure progression by using the KLIPS (Key Learning Indicators of Performance) inline with the National Curriculum. 

English in EYFS

English Curriculum Intent

Phonics Curriculum Intent


We follow the National Curriculum for science and weave in lots of opportunities for children to experiment and explore in practical ways.  

Science Curriculum Intent

Science progression

Physical Education progression

P.E Curriculum Intent

Computing Curriculum Statement

The Computing Curriculum is an important feature of learning at Balshaw Lane. Pupils learn a variety of key skills and develop responsibility and curiosity in using a range of software programs as they progress through the school. They are taught about editing following reflective practice, animation and programming in addition to many other forward-thinking life skills for a digital world.  Pupils throughout school also learn about internet safety and responsible use of ICT, at an age-appropriate level.

Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. At Balshaw Lane Community Primary, the core of computing is Computing Science in which pupils are introduced to a wide range of technology and resilience-building problem solving.

Religious Education progression


Substantive concepts

In History, we follow the National Curriculum objectives and use the Lancashire KLIPs (Key Learning Indicators of Performance) to ensure progression throughout year groups. We enrich our History curriculum with educational visits, themed days and weeks, and by exploring history through other subjects e.g. Art and Music.

History Curriculum Intent



We follow the National Curriculum guidance for Geography and have carefully mapped the skills to ensure progression. Progression is also informed by the Lancashire KLIPs (Key Learning Indicators in Performance). We also use Geography to explore cultures from around the world.

Geography progression

Geography Curriculum Intent


We love art at Balshaw Lane. As well as following the national curriculum, we find opportunities for children to practise their artistic skill throughout other subjects. We have led art projects with other Euxton schools, for example, our recent faith arts week and have had an enterprise week which led to children displaying and selling their artwork in a pop up art gallery.

Art progression

Art Curriculum Intent

Design Technology 

D.T progression

Design Technology Curriculum Intent


We have a very rich music curriculum at Balshaw Lane. Our music lessons are delivered by a music specialist and are designed to cover a diverse range of eras and cultures. Our children are exposed to a range of famous musicians and genres as part of school assemblies, In addition to the curriculum, we provide after school singing clubs for the children and use The Lancashire Music Service to offer a range of instrument lessons. All of our year 3 children learn an instrument - the ocarina - as well as the glockenspiel by the end of KS2.

“Mrs Bowden is fabulous with music and my children LOVE her singing assembly.  They can’t wait for Young Voices.”

Parents' Questionnaire comment, Autumn 2022.

Music Curriculum Intent

Modern foreign languages

“I feel that the curriculum is taught very well in a range of different ways which encourage the children to be excited about learning.  I particularly like that they do a lot of practical learning.”

“The curriculum seems to be engaging for the children.  My child enjoys her learning, she always has positive things to say.”

“A great wider curriculum with great events like Space Week and author visits.”

“Wide curriculum and sumptuous resources.  The French lesson is good and students can learn one more foreign language.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.
