“Plenty of opportunity to become involved with after-school/lunchtime clubs.”
“Good variety of extra-curricular activities.”
“Affordability of clubs and range gives exposure to new and interesting sports.”
Parental Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2024.
Spring term 2024 clubs
Football Yr 1, Yr 2, Yr 3/4, Yr 5/6
Dance Yr 1, Yr 2, Yr 3/4, Yr 5/6
STEM Yr 5/6
Young Voices
Autumn term 2023 clubs
Young Voices
Tae Kwondo
Tag Rugby
Summer term 2023 clubs
Dodgeball Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6
Cheerleading Y1/2, Y3/4. Y5/6
Fencing Y3/4, Y5/6
Other clubs:
Drama club
Pet Club
Singing club
School Council
Green Team
Spring term 2023 clubs
Outdoor adventurous activities Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6 clubs
Tag rugby Y1/2, Y5/6 clubs
Tae kwondo
Other clubs
Drama club Y2
Pet club Y2/3, Y4/6
Young Voices choir Y4+
School Council
Green Team
Our range of clubs
Each term, we offer a range of different extra-curricular clubs.
Information about the clubs offer is sent home to the relevant year group.
Parents are able to choose which club(s) they would like their child to attend.
If a club is over-subscribed, it may be run again the following term.
Most clubs are held after school but some may be in the morning or during lunchtime.
Most are free, when led by school staff or the SSP; others have a cost when led by an external provider.
We carefully monitor which clubs our children attend so that all have the opportunity to attend at least one.
Our disadvantaged pupils are identified as a priority for extra-curricular clubs.
Sport clubs
Many clubs are sporting with some led by the Chorley School Sports Partnership which our school buys into.
Some sport clubs are in preparation for high level competitions so there may some selection of able sporting pupils.
In recent years, we have had clubs in girls' and boys' football; athletics, dance, gymnastics, yoga and cricket.
Clubs led by external providers (paid): DanceMania, judo, fencing, tae kwondo.
Disadvantaged children are able to attend these paying clubs, funded by Pupil Premium.
Other clubs
We aim to offer a range to interest all children.
In recent years, these have included: crochet, drama, film, craft & cookery, gardening and Young Voices.
Clubs led by external providers (paid): Pet Club, Spanish.
Disadvantaged children are able to attend these paying clubs, funded by Pupil Premium.