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Uniform and Payments



The governors of Balshaw Lane Primary aim to keep the costs of school uniform reasonable.

Most of our uniform can be bought from a number of different providers in order to keep costs down.

Most items can be purchased from either School Trends or NU Uniforms via the links below.


We do not have many uniform items with a school logo on.

The PE t shirt and hoodie should have the school logo on.

We also prefer that the school sweatshirt or cardigan has the logo on, although this is not essential.


Please see below for our uniform expectations.

Uniform swap

Our eco team have organised uniform swaps to enable parents to find pre-loved uniform.


St Laurence's church also sometimes organise swaps with local schools' uniforms.


Uniform list

Lost property

All items of uniform should be labelled with the child's name.

We return named items to children but cannot trace all unnamed items back to their owners.


At the end of the year, unnamed items are either passed to the uniform swap or donated to charity.

For several years, we have donated lost property uniform to Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO) in Malawi.

The charity has been very grateful for the donations.

