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School Improvement Plan

“Leadership, discipline and organisation are strengths of the school.”

“The school is clearly well run/organised.”

“Very good management by Ms Gregson and teachers.”

“Head is very approachable and it is clear to see when changes have been implemented.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.

The School Improvement Plan 2023-24


Each year we focus on key priorities which drive our school improvement.

These priorities are derived from analysis of data, observations around school and input from staff and governors.

We take into account parental feedback from the questionnaire or from daily chats with you.

We have a School Adviser, Mrs Austen, who comes in to work with us and challenge us in our improvement work.

Each term, the leadership team evaluate progress towards the key priorities and report on this to the governors.


2023-24 School Improvement Priorities


1. To embed the progression of learning across school from Early Years, ensuring retention.

- ensuring that starting points from Early Years are clear in all subjects, creating the foundation for learning

- embedding our mastery maths approach in order to maximise progress 

- retrieval practice embeds long-term learning

- collaboration with subject experts strengthens subject-specific teaching


2. To ensure that our high expectations of behaviour and attendance are continued

We have revised our behaviour policy and procedures in order to uphold our high standards. The staff are ensuring that strategies are applied consistently whilst also providing some additional support for those children who struggle with their behaviour. Our ethos is based on strong, caring relationships between adults and children, and between the children themselves.


3. To ensure that staff wellbeing is prioritised to impact positively on pupils' learning

Our staff are key in the children's learning. The governors and the leadership team want to ensure that staff feel supported in their roles, for example, through quality training or behavioural support. We want our staff to feel that their time is used effectively and productively. Hence, we have reviewed our feedback policy and use of meeting times.

