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Mrs Bowden's recorder groups trying out flutes and clarinets


A huge well done to the children who performed as part of the Christingle service. I have had so many compliments from the other teachers saying how well you played. Apparently, 'Walking in the Air' brought tears to Mrs Rumball's eyes.

Congratualtions to Ava, Freya and Ewan on their first experience 'sitting on the benches' and playing to a big audience. It's really tricky playing in two parts. 

I am very proud of you all

Mrs B x


Mrs Bowden is taking the 'Beginner' group this year. 'Beginners' will meet at 12 o'clock in Class 5 on Tuesdays. If you have a recorder please bring it along, if not we have some that you can borrow for a few weeks. The sooner you can get your own recorder the better, so that you can practise at home smiley.


Miss Arundale is taking the 'Intermediate' group, building on the progress her 'Beginners' made last year. 'Intermediates' will meet on Tuesdays at 12 o'clock, in the Library.


Mrs Davenport is taking our wonderful 'Advanced' group who are now entertaining us in assemblies. They will be meeting at 12 o'clock on Wednesdays, in the Library.

