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Balshaw Lane Primary School

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Mental Health and Wellbeing

“The teachers support all the children and treat them as individual people.”

“Feels like they care about and know the children as individuals.”    

 “Teachers are very supportive and have my child’s best interest at heart.”                                  

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.

The Wellbeing Team

We have developed our team for supporting the children’s mental health and wellbeing.


We are fortunate that Mrs Boyden is trained and experienced as an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Mental Health First Aider.


We have a counsellor, Joanne Bimpson, in school each Tuesday to support individual children.


In addition, Mr Ripley, Mrs Boyden, Mrs Singleton, Mrs Hamilton, Mr Browne and Miss Baxendale are also part of the Wellbeing Team

They offer drop-in sessions for children to express any worries. We also have a display board where they can pop a note in a wallet for the team if they wish.


We have a Family Support Worker, Mrs Fairclough, who works with pupils and families to give support where needed.

She will be working alongside Mrs Wildig on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


“Family Support Worker - excellent in supporting this area in school.”

“Working with families by employing Mrs Fairclough.”

Parental Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023


Ms Gregson has completed the Senior Mental Health Lead course which is funded by the DfE.


We are a 'trauma-informed school', following training in Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023 on:

  • attachment
  • trauma
  • emotion coaching


Our Year 6 children participate in Kooth sessions to help prepare them for high school transition. Kooth is a mental health support service for young people.


If you ever have concerns that your child needs support, please speak to us. If parents need support, we can also signpost to available services.
