“The strength of this amazing school, from a personal point of view, is that they are incredibly helpful with issues beyond just the educational side.”
“I applaud the school’s comprehensive help for myself and my child.”
“They support my child, such as offering individual support.”
Parental Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2024.
Mrs Fairclough, Family Support Worker, and Mrs Wildig, SENDCO
Our SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) is Mrs Wildig.
Our SEND Champion is the head, Mrs Hodgson.
Our SEND Governor is Mrs Ford.
'SEND' is an abbreviation for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This page is to provide parents with advice if they think that their child may have SEND. It also provides information for prospective parents who may have a child with SEND.
Please feel welcome to contact us if you need further information. We are always happy to give advice or support.
"The school is inclusive and staff are passionate about meeting the needs of all pupils at the school. The SENDCo is very experienced; staff value her advice and support."
Kate Taylor, independent auditor of SEND, Summer 2022.
"I'm very grateful for all you do. School is fab."
Parent of a child with SEND, Summer 2023.
Our aim
All children have the right to an education that will enable them to reach their full potential. We believe that each child has individual and unique needs and acknowledge that some children require more support than others.
A child has special educational needs if s/he requires additional or different provision made generally for children of their age in that school. In order to support these children, we recognise their needs and plan accordingly.
The head, governors and staff of our school are committed to the inclusion of children with SEND.
We aim to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, but also to offer small group support, or individual help, where children have specific needs.
Our school ethos is very caring and we look to develop the whole child, academically and personally so that s/he can fulfil their potential and look forward to a confident, happy future life.
At Balshaw Lane, your child's teachers will talk to you if they have concerns about his or her progress. If you notice any difficulties with your child's learning you should ask your child's teacher about them first. We are able to support and help children who have special educational needs by providing, for example, extra help from their teachers and/or adapting the curriculum so it is more accessible for your child.
Also, all schools have a special educational needs coordinator (SENDCO) who may meet you if your child has SEND. At Balshaw Lane the SENDCo is Mrs Wildig.
Talk to the teacher/SENDCO about:
Schools are required by law to provide an education for all pupils, regardless of their ability or special needs. Every child's education is equally important.
If the SENDCO and your child's teacher agree that your child has SEND, we will take a 'graduated approach' - this means 'step-by-step'. We will offer your child extra support, with the possibility of more support if needed. This can be adult support or through prompts and resources in school.
Whatever the school decides to do, you have the right to be informed and for your views, and your child's views, to be taken into account.
The school will also consider requesting an assessment for an education, health and care (EHC) plan.
Additional advice and support are available. Links to useful organisations are available below via the 'Further information for Parents and Carers' page.
Email contacts
Mrs Wildig awildig@balshawlane.co.uk
Mrs Fairclough jfairclough@balshawlane.co.uk
"Parents spoken to feel that their children are making progress at school. Parental feedback is positive; parents value the communication from the SENDCo and the support their children receive. The school has an inclusive, nurturing approach to meeting the needs of all pupils and this is recognised by the parents spoken to."
Kate Taylor, independent auditor of SEND, Summer 2022.
"I don't speak to your Year 6 teacher very often because you identify needs so early on and that's how it should be."
Amira Helme, local authority specialist SEND teacher, Autumn 2022
If you are not happy with how we support your child with SEND, please have a chat with us. We will always listen to you and work with you to support your child.
If, after discussing matters with us informally, you still feel dissatisfied, please refer to our Complaints Procedure on our Key Information page: Policies.