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Balshaw Lane Primary School

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Please also see our Induction page for new Reception families and our Virtual School Tour.

Open Days

We will be holding a final Open Day for Reception 2025 in January 2025:

Please phone the school office (01257 278722) to book on a visit.


On the Open Days

There will be a brief introduction to the school by the headteacher, followed by a tour of the school with the head or deputy.

There will be the opportunity to ask staff and children questions during the tour.

We look forward to seeing you!


Multi-Academy Trust

Our school has formed a multi-academy trust (MAT) with Parklands High and Gillibrand Primary. The MAT is called Aspirational Futures.

Our pupils now have higher priority admission to Parklands, if parents want it.

(The criteria for our pupils is above the distance criteria for Parklands.)


“Our hope is that the Academy status continues to strive and thrive on Balshaw Lane’s wonderful foundation.”

“I think this is amazing news (about Parklands admissions) ... As a parent this reduces worry about my child’s progression and next steps.  I would really like my daughter to go to Parklands and I think this partnership is a must.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments


Reception applications

Although our school is an academy, our Reception admissions are still handled by Lancashire County Council.

The link to Lancashire County Council's Reception applications webpage is below.


Our school is a friendly community school which welcomes all families.

Reception places at the school are allocated by Lancashire local authority, following their admissions policy and criteria. Please follow the link below to apply for a place.

If you require any assistance, or have any queries before application, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01257 278722.


Children can start school in the September after their fourth birthday. 


At Balshaw Lane, we take up to 60 new Reception children each September.

The children are placed into two straight-age classes with a maximum of 30 children in each.

Children are placed in classes by considering: SEND, language or medical needs; social needs, siblings, nurseries, age, development stage and gender.


The two Reception classes are taught by an experienced and enthusiastic Early Years team.

We have two classteachers and several teaching assistants.

The staff work closely together to ensure the very best start for your child. 


We are fortunate that our two Reception classrooms have their own outdoor play area with a canopy for inclement weather as well as access to the playground and a large field.

This means that we have plenty of space for outdoor learning all day, every day.


Catchment area

This can vary slightly each year as the deciding criteria may come down to distance from school.

However, since our expansion, this has rarely happened and all first preferences, and some second, have been able to join us.

Our current children are mainly from Euxton but we also have children from Gillibrand, Astley Village, Buckshaw Village, Chorley, Coppull and Leyland.


Visits to the school

We welcome visits to view the school in action during the school day.

Open Days are held on certain dates: please phone the office to book on one of the visits (01257 278722).

Mrs Hodgson and Mr Woodrow will give groups of parents a tour and you will have the opportunity to ask questions, either general or about your child.



In the summer term before the new children start, we hold induction activities.

These usually include an informal play session in the hall with parents, an induction half day in the classroom and a Welcome Meeting for parents.

We also visit local nurseries to speak to staff about the children's transition and for the children to meet our teachers.


At the start of the Reception year, we have a short, staggered start for the children.

This approach enables us to establish routines with the children and enable them to settle into the environment in smaller groups.

We find that the half days help the children to quickly gain confidence and make a flying start.


Early in the autumn term, we hold a Curriculum Meeting for parents when we explain about our provision for the Early Years areas of learning. 


We also hold Parents' Evenings in the autumn and spring terms where the children's progress is discussed.

A mid-year report and an annual report are issued to parents in March and July respectively.


“We are happy with how our child has settled into Reception.”

“My child really enjoys schools and says staff are very caring.”

“My child only has lovely things to say and we feel you know our child already, which is so important to us as parents.”

Reception Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2024.


Applying for a place mid year 

(In-Year admissions)

Moving house in Lancashire? Or moving into Lancashire?

If you wish for your child to start at our school mid year, please complete our admissions application form.

Please return it to

We will respond to your request in writing within 14 days.



If we are unable to offer your child a place at our school, and you wish to appeal this decision, then please complete  the appeals form on the Lancashire County Council website (see link below).


Once any appeal paperwork and supporting evidence have been submitted, Lancashire County Council will be in contact with an independent appeal date.

If you have any queries regarding your appeal, you may contact our school at or contact Lancashire County Council appeals team at

In-Year Admission Form

"I don't know what magic you're working at Balshaw Lane but, since my child has started, they've made more progress in one half term than in the previous academic year at their old school."

Parental comment, November 2023.
