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Balshaw Lane Primary School

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"The curriculum is outstanding and includes a rich emphasis on the arts and sport."

Ofsted, November 2011


“Great balance between core and wider curriculum.  I think the events and external visitors really help e.g. author, local MP, athlete and faith representative visits.”

“Clear and well planned curriculum.  They set high expectations for the children but are very supportive in helping the children reach them.”

“The children build on their learning as they progress each year through different but inter-connected topics.  My children have found Science and History very exciting this term.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.


Balshaw Lane's Curriculum


Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key Stage 2 (KS2)  follow the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum in England. The curriculum  for the Reception children is derived from the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. Our curriculum across school is taught through our bespoke Balshaw Lane Connected Curriculum.  An overview of the curriculum connectors can be viewed by following the link below.


There are photos showing our work in computing, music and sport on the Gallery page in the Children's section.


Balshaw Lane's Connected Curriculum

At Balshaw Lane, we strive to provide an engaging and motivating curriculum, alongside our aim for high academic standards.  We design our curriculum around 'connectors' which link together the learning in different subjects. We find that this makes the learning more meaningful for the children and helps them to make connections to their own experiences and to 'real life'.


The links below explain about our Reading and Phonics work, as well as our Connected Curriculum. There are also copies of the termly Curriculum Letters which go out to each class.


Further curriculum information can be found by following the links below to the DfE's National Curriculum and Early Years curriculum.

“I love how the school send out termly letters which state what is being taught and what is expected of the children.”

“Clear curriculum letters at the start of each term.”                                           

“Good updates on learning.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.

Curriculum accessibility

At Balshaw Lane, we ensure that our curriculum is accessible to all children. We make reasonable adjustments on an individual basis for children with SEND. This may also include adjustments for parents who have SEND so that they can fully support their child.

Our Equality Policy and Accessibility Plan detail how we consider protected characteristics in our curriculum and facilities. The Equality Policy can be found on the Policies and Procedures page.

The Accessibility Plan can be found on our SEND page.

National Curriculum

Early Years Curriculum

“The connected curriculum is amazing for engaging both of my children and making their learning immersive.”

“Brilliant, my child has come on so much at school.  Enjoys the lessons and can’t wait to tell me at the end of the day what they have learnt.”

“A brilliant curriculum that is bespoke to the school and encourages creativity.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.
