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Balshaw Lane Primary School

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Food and Drink

Our kitchen and welfare staff

School meals

We have our own school kitchen which is run by the local authority catering service.

All our meals meet the national food standards for schools which are set by the government.

Tasty meals are prepared daily, following the Fresher Plus menu.

(Menu available: go to Parents> Lunch Menu)

We have a high uptake of school meals because the children (and staff!) enjoy the food.


Vegetarian and halal options are offered.

Please inform us if your child has any dietary needs - we take this very seriously.


The kitchen has had a hygiene rating of 5 for many years.


Free school meals

All infants are eligible for Universal Free School Meals. 

Children whose parents receive Universal Credit (or other benefits) are eligible for free school meals.

Children, who are on free school meals, are then allocated Pupil Premium funding.

Please contact the school office if you require more information about this. Tel: 01257 278722.


Packed lunches

Some KS2 children may choose to bring in a packed lunch.

We encourage parents to provide healthy lunches as part of their child's daily balanced diet.

The children will bring home any packets/wrappers in the box to indicate what has been eaten.

Packed lunchboxes are stored on a trolley until lunchtime.

In warmer weather, parents may like to put a mini cool pack in the box.



Please note that we are a nut-free school as we have children in school with nut allergies.

Please help us to support these families.



Lunchtime is from 12.00-1.05pm.

(Reception have their lunchtime from 11.45am-12.45pm.)

KS2 children choose either school meals or packed lunches.

The children can sit together wherever they choose.


The kitchen staff serve food at the counter. There are at least two choices each day, supplemented by a fresh salad bar and bread basket. The welfare staff help the children in the hall and on the playgrounds or, in the summer, on the field.

The Reception children are taken into the hall first and assisted with their food choices and cutting up when necessary. Year 1 come in for lunch next.

Year 2 play out for a short while before they are called in.

Once the infants have finished lunch, they go out to play until 1.05pm, supervised by the welfare staff.

The KS2 children have a dinner rota which changes each week so that it's a different class coming in first each week. Each class is called in from around 12.20pm, has their lunch and then goes back out to play.



As part of our healthy school ethos, we ask that only healthy snacks are brought in for playtimes.

These may be fruit, salad or veg snacks eg raisins, banana, carrot sticks.

We discourage any fruit winders or cereal/muesli bars as these can be deceptively sugary.


The infants are offered a fruit, salad or veg snack every day.

These are provided for free by the government.


We offer toast as a morning playtime snack.

Parents pay for this in advance via ParentPay.



The children should bring in a named drinks bottle each day filled with fresh water (not cordial).

Drinks bottles are accessible either during or after breaks, sometimes during lessons (if warmer weather).



Parents of the infants may buy milk for their child. Payment via ParentPay.

Reception children are given free milk in the term(s) before they turn 5.

Milk cartons are stored in the fridge before distribution.


Christmas lunch 2022
