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Sport Premium

“The extra hours from staff to support activity after and before school is really appreciated.  The kids love it and it is great for the community feel of the school.”

“Range of after school clubs is a strength of the school.”

“The amount of extra-curricular activities on offer is brilliant.”

Parents' Questionnaire comments, Autumn 2023.

Each year, we receive government funding to support and promote the teaching of PE in school.

The funding is called the Sport Premium.

Please see the attached document which details how the funding is spent and its impact.

2023-2024 Sport Premium Evidencing the impact

Chorley Schools Sports Partnership (SSP)

The governors at Balshaw Lane choose to buy into the SSP in order to provide high quality sports coaching and clubs. 

This support complements our teaching of PE across school and enhances our extra-curricular offer.

